Be A Rock Star, Name an Album and Blog Updates 4/16/10


Hi there musical-types. BLOG UPDATES – The photo album has been updated and if you like 80’s hair, dirt bikes and young girls drinking beer, you should check it out (just for laughs). Also, I’ve been working hard at getting archives together and the 2006 and 2007 archives are complete. A lot of love and care has been put into my other blog, so stop by and see what’s up in “goalie world”.

You are running out of time to enter your band’s best song at to win a contest to OPEN FOR BON JOVI!!! Get on it rockers – stop reading my blog dumbass and go here, or here The deadline is approaching and you can’t be a ROCK STAR if you don’t do things like this. Put on your best pleather pants and shred your bad self.

Guster is a great band I’ve enjoyed for many years now and they are seeking someone who has the magic “album naming” touch so go to and share your “title” genius with the rest of the world. The Gusters aren’t sitting around all day waiting for you – well, maybe they are, but still – better sooner rather than later.

Don’t forget to check out Barenaked Ladies on tour right now. This is a band YOU MUST SEE LIVE. Information here.

The 1st round of the NHL playoffs is well underway and I’m feeling my inner-Ovechkin.

Might I have some more music please sir!-GO CAPS!-peace – mia (